Simply Salmon

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Simply Salmon

A simple salmon dish that’s easy to make but delicious

Salmon is an easy fish to buy and cook. But all too often it comes out dry and hard -” cardboardie”.
In this recipe (years of cooking salmon) it will always be moist and fresh as the salmon is cooked in a lemon, butter liqueur (a sort of court bouillon) to ensure moisture is always there – adding flavour as well. As it is cooked under a grill it caramilises well – doesn’t look insipidly light pink as when cooked in foil – and adds to the flavour.
Salmon can be a little “creamy” to taste and really benefits from some sharp additions such as lemon, pesto and capers or cornichons, if you like them.

To add another dimension to the flavours Try adding some honey over the fish and return under the grill until coloured- take care not to burn it


For 2

Two 250g darns of salmon – skin on preferably
One lemon
Pesto – home made or bought
Capers – optional


Prep the potatoes and boil (or cook as you wish)
Prep the carrots and boil (cook as you wish)Whilst the above starts to cook:

In a skillet or oven proof pan add a lick of oil and place the salmon in skin side down
top tip – the skin ensures the salmon stays in one pieceyou don’t have to eat it
Cook the salmon for a few minutes
Cut the lemon in half – squeeze the juice over the salmon – and place the lemon halves face down in the pan
Add hot water and a knob of butter in the pan
Place the pan under a hot grill for 4 min – check it doesn’t burn
Baste and cook for another 4 min
top tip – the cooking time will vary on the thickness of the salmon and the grill heat – we want it to cook through, not burn on the outside and be raw in the middle. Use a thin sharp knife to examine the salmon to see if it is cooked. If the pan dries out add more water – this ensures a moist piece of salmon.


When the salmon is cooked squeeze the 2 lemon halves over each piece – they will be hot
Serve the potato – roughly cut / sliced and the carrots – add a knob of butter
Plate the salmon
Season and another squeeze of lemon
Add a few spoonfuls of pesto – either bought or home made
Add a few capers for interest

and enjoy